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LSP News

World Mental Health Day kicks off Q4 with a crucial theme: 'Mental Health At Work'

I'm Ashley Harrington, Director at LSP Renewables. When I joined the world of recruitment and renewables in 2011, it wasn't necessarily out of passion, but rather a career change to give me the opportunity to earn more. Life was just passing me by, I had ability but, was being held back by bad habits & not having a goal/destination. With a new directiom, I parked the bad habits, joined the gym (which I still maintain today) & embraced a start-up recruitment business. I quickly got into the swing of all things renewables & recruitment, forming an obsession (addictive personality alert) to be the best I can be to the industry I serve.

13 years in, I am still pushing myself daily and my responsibilities have expanded to beyond myself.  As a husband, father of three & lots of colleagues to care and nurture, Q3 threw up some personal challenges that tested my emotional resilience. Like many nearly 40-year-old men, I bottled up these feelings, thinking it was my duty to stand strong and stoney faced. But speaking out in September lifted a heavy weight from my shoulders. Communication is essential, and action must follow, otherwise it is just words.

Exercise has been part of my life for the past 13 years, evolving from a replacement of bad habits, to aesthetics and the last past five years  focusing on mental well-being. If I do or don’t exercise in the morning, it sets the tone for my day, I am more aware of this than ever before. Exercising with people is even more rewarding.
It is so easy to get caught up in an ever-demanding cycle, especially in our family and work lives, as Dad & Director. It is great to be wanted but, do we ever take a moment for ourselves? I find myself afraid to switch off, as I don’t want to fall behind because, the thought of playing catch up seems harder than carrying on. BUT we do all need to switch off when the time is right. The world will keep on spinning & we will plug back in easily enough when we are ready. It doesn’t mean we have to sit on the sofa for weeks on end, simply slowing the pace to take time to reflect & take a back seat look at what you/we are doing.

At LSP we we support our team's mental health through generous holidays, team-building activities like Go Ape, running groups (who massively supported me in runnign the London Marathon this year!), and quarterly breakfast get-togethers. Our cycle-to-work scheme is thriving, and our health insurance includes talking therapies. There’s always more to do, but with an open-door policy and the flexibility to take on new ideas, we continue to improve.
Looking ahead to the rest of the year and into 2025, my mental health goals are clear. I'll focus on myself 10% more, which will positively impact those around me. Engaging in conversations, even if just to have someone listen, can be profoundly helpful. It's important to set goals, but also to enjoy the journey toward them.

Finally, if you or someone you know is struggling, reaching out to a friend or mental health professional can make a significant difference.